
A Tribute to Oscar Niemeyer (excerpt) written the day after his death at the age of 104

I first met Oscar Niemeyer fifty years ago, in 1962. I was in Rio de Janeiro with my editor, Jean Petit. We had been invited to do a book on Brasília and set out together for the capital. It was to be an unforgettable journey.
The next day, it was impossible to take any photos because it was raining. Three weeks later, it was still raining. We asked Oscar if perhaps it was the rainy season? “Ah! I’m not from around here, I’m from Rio. Let’s go and see a friend of mine who is a local.” …“Yes, it appears it is the rainy season!” So we took the next plane for Rio and then to Paris, only returning five months later. This time we had the pleasure of taking our photographs and spending many happy occasions with Oscar…

Jean and I got back to France, I developed my pictures, and was working on an outline when the coup d’état happened. Niemeyer had to go into exile and came to live in France…in Paris.

…a few years ago, I sent “Doctor Oscar” some of my nude photos inspired by the curved forms of Brasília. I have been told that he too was inspired by my work. Be that as it may, my photo of three naked women on a beach, exhibited to all his visitors, is still in his office at Copacabana. They are now the guardians of the temple.

Lucien Clergue, 6 décembre 2012